
12 kV and 36 kV Isolation Link

12 kV and 36 kV Isolation Links | Fix on Tine Nigeria | Lucy Electric

12 kV and 36 kV Isolation Links

Manufacturer: Lucy Electric

The Lucy Electric range of HV isolating links provide a reliable and economic solution for the isolation of overhead distribution lines and transformers and a visual indication of operation and positive disconnection from supply.

Available in 12kV and 36kV options, each single phase link unit can be attended from the ground with an insulated operating pole.

  • Voltage range: 12kV and 36kV
  • Current rating: 400A
  • Short time current: 16kA / 3sec at 12kV; 12.5kA / 3sec at 36kV
  • Integral connector terminals suitable for conductor sizes up to 19mm diameter